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"Live from San Quarantine" with Jewel, Brad Paisley, and Kim John Payne

Recordings and special resources from their LIVE event, held on 4/16/2020.


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Additional Answers from Kim John Payne

These are in response to questions that didn't get answered during the live broadcast. Click on the title to listen.

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"To Zoom or Not to Zoom"

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"We Are Humans & We Were Made For This"

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"The Healing Power of Rhythm & Predictability"

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"Four Ways to Channel Children's Anger"


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"How Much Should I Play With My Child?"

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"How to Model Empathy & Compassion Without It Becoming Inauthentic"

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"Loving Limits and Discipline During the Intensity of Family Life"

Special Simplicity Parenting Covid-19 Resources

“Troubling Times: Anxiety Rising, Schools Closing, and Way More Time at Home With The Kids” - audio series.

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Dear Parent,

We have been fielding an unprecedented number of calls, emails, and posts from parents looking for support in how to handle the current coronavirus situation with their children and teens.

In response, we recorded this special five-part audio series. You can listen here in the player below or download it from our podcast page and listen in your preferred podcast player.

In this challenging time, we feel it’s more important than ever for each of us to do what we can to support each other, so we wanted to put this together and make it available right away. If you find the series helpful, please think of any other parent, organization, or school community who might benefit from this kind of support and send them a link to this page.

Thank you. Be safe. And our very best wishes to you and your family.

(NOTE: To listen, click on the file name or the MP3 icon above it.)

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1- Preparing

How to speak to our kids and how to stay centered so our kids can co-regulate with us.

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2- Signaling Security via Decluttering

When the world feels like it is in chaos and closing in, creating a decluttered space is like soul arnica.

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3- Wrapping Warm Rhythm Around Our Children

When so much is changing and shifting, how do we strengthen predictability and the feeling that all is well in our family’s world.

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4- Dialing Back Schedules in Preparation, and Decisions Afterwards

How to walk children and teens off their busy lives in preparing for the cancellations of school and after school activities, and the opportunity it offers when life gets back to normal.

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5- Filtering Adult Information is More Important Now Than Before

With so much scary information out there, how can we keep our kids informed in the right way for their age?

“Being at Your Best When it Matters Most” - 
The Compassionate Response Practice for Parent’s Emotional Self-Regulation


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There has been such kind outpouring of concern and information over these past weeks, helping people navigate the practicalities of life during these challenging times. We would like to add to that a tool for self care, to help keep our natural worries and anxieties in balance with our calm, quiet, and confident parenting.

Now more than ever, our children need us to stay centered so that they can feel secure at home when so much is changing around them. The Compassionate Response Practice is a visualization exercise practiced by tens of thousands of parents, that is a key part of creating a safe harbor of family life.

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1- Introduction
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2- Instructions
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3- The Practice

Simplicity Parenting Home Practice Guide

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Simplicity Parenting Home Practice Guide: Lifetime Access ($197 USD) 



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